
Our Itinerary

Day 1 New York, NY
Depart from the New York area to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv.

Day 2 Tel Aviv/Tiberias
Upon arrival in Tel Aviv, we transfer to our coach for the drive along the
Mediterranean cost to Tiberias and your hotel for dinner and overnight. Already we begin to feel the spirit of this land enchanting us.

Day 3 Tiberias
Drive along the Mediterranean coast to the ruins of the ancient Roman capital - Caesarea, built by Herod the Great in 22 B.C. Visit the Roman Theater, the Aqueduct and Herodian Port. Continue up to Mt. Carmel, see the magnificent
panoramic view. Visit Muchraka, the location of Elijah's altar during his
confrontation with the false prophets of Baal. Continue via the Valley of
Armageddon to the excavation at Tel Megiddo. Continue up the mountains of the lower Galilee, to Nazareth to visit the Church of the Annunciation and Mary's Well. Driving via Cana of Galilee, we reach Tiberias. Dinner and overnight in Tiberias.

Day 4 Tiberias
Take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee to Ginnosar where we visit the fishermen's boat found here and dated to Jesus' time, continue to the Mount of Beatitudes, site of the Sermon on the Mount. On to Tabgha, site of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes and to Capernaum, the city of Jesus and Peter, then cross the Jordan River to the land of Gaderenes. Afternoon visit to Caesarea Phillipi now called - Banias - one of the main sources of the Jordan River. Return to Tiberias for dinner and

Day 5 Jerusalem
This morning we drive along the Sea of Galilee and arrive at Yardenit, the Baptismal Center on the Jordan River. On to Kursi, site of the Miracle of Demons and Swine, and from here up to the Golan Heights to the Peace Observatory for an impressive view of the Sea of Galilee. Continue to the old Roman city of Beit Shean to visit the impressive ruins. Drive along the Gilboa mountain range to Prophet Gideon's Spring and on to the Tel of Jesreel, the location of Queen Jezebel's summer palace where we hear about the site's intimate connection with Old Testament events. From here we venture south towards the holy city of Jerusalem. Dinner & overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 6 Jerusalem
Today we will attend the Eucharist at St. George’s Cathedral. Visit St George’s
College Afterwards, we visit the Garden Tomb, followed by an orientation beside Calvary. Travel to the Old City, through St. Stephen's Gate to the Pool of Bethesda, the Chapel of the Flagellation, and the Ecce Homo Arch. View the Gabbatha pavement then proceed to the Temple area and Mt. Moriah to visit the Western Wall, the Ophel Archaeological park, where we see the Pinnacle and visit the new visitors' center dedicated to research of the Biblical Temple. Continue through the Bazaar to the last stations of the Via Dolorosa and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. On an afternoon drive to Bethlehem, we view the Shepherds' Fields and the Fields of Boaz and Ruth. Visit the Church of the Nativity, the Milk Grotto and the cave of St. Jerome.

Day 7 Masada
Leave Jerusalem. After stopping at the Inn of the "Good Samaritan", arrive at the shores of the Dead Sea - the lowest point on earth. We drive along the Dead Sea to Masada, the fortress where the Jewish Zealots held off the armies of the Roman Empire before choosing suicide over surrender. Continue to Ein Gedi, where King David found shelter from the wrath of King Saul. After lunch, we enjoy a short "float" in the Dead Sea. Continue to the Qumran Caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947.

Day 8 Jerusalem
Full day of leisure to pursue personal interests or to shop.

Day 9 Jerusalem/Tel Aviv
Drive to Mount Scopus to view the impressive home of the Hebrew University.
Then drive to the Mt. of Olives for an outstanding view of Jerusalem. Visit the
Chapel of the Ascension, Garden of Gethsemane, and Church of All Nations. See the Kidron Valley and Tomb of Absalom, Zechariah and James. We continue to Mount Zion, the Room of the Last Supper, and King David's Tomb, and past the
Knesset and the Israel Museum. Next visit the recently constructed Model of
Ancient Jerusalem. Time permitting, visit the recently excavated archaeological site in the Jewish quarter - the Cardo, the "Wide" wall built by King Hezekiah and the
Herodian mansion. Enjoy a farewell dinner before being transferred to the airport.

Day 10 New York, NY
Today, our journey ends with good memories as we head home. Arrival the same day.


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